Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Main Dish - Bibimbap/Rice Mixed with Vegetables and Beef

About this Food
Bibimbap is a dish mixed of cooked white rice, vegetables, beef, garnishes and fried red pepper paste. It is said that this dish came from the customs of memorial services and rural villages. This dish is very easy to prepare, just mixing together cooked white rice with various vegetables, namul and red pepper paste.

Ingredients & Quantity
450 g (2½ cups) non-glutinous rice, 600 g (3 cups) water
300 g young pumpkin, 2 g (½ tsp) salt
200 g skinned bellflower roots, 4 g (1 tsp) salt
120 g beef (top round), 200 g soaked bracken
seasoning sauce : 18 g (1 tbsp) soy sauce, 6 g (½ tbsp) sugar, 9 g (2 tsp) minced green onion 5.5 g (1 tsp) minced garlic, 2 g (1 tsp) sesame salt, 0.3 g (⅛ tsp) ground black pepper 4 g (1 tsp) sesame oil
2 ea (120 g) egg,
3 g kelps, 26 g (2 tbsp) edible oil
fried red pepper paste : 95 g (5 tbsp) red pepper paste, 20 g minced beef, 9 g (2 tsp) minced green onion 5.5 g (1 tsp) minced garlic, 90 g (6 tbsp) water, 18 g (1½ tbsp) sugar 19 g (1½ tbsp) sesame oil

1. Wash the rice, soak in water for 30 min. drain water on a strainer for 10 min. (550 g).
2. Cut the young pumpkin into 5~6 cm-long, then cut them into 0.3 cm-wide/thick round, shred into matchstick, soak with salt for 10 min. wipe water with cotton cloths. Shred bellflower roots into 5~6 cm-long and 0.3 cm-wide/thick, add salt and fumble them with hands, let it sit for 10 min. then rinse and squeeze water out.
3. Clean blood of beef with cotton cloths, shred into 6 cm-long and 0.3 cm-wide/thick. Wash the bracken, cut into 5 cm-long. Season beef and bracken with seasoning sauce respectively.
4. Panfry egg for yellow/white egg garnish, shred it into 5 cm-long and 0.3 cm-wide/thick.

1. Put the rice and water in the pot, heat it up for 4 min. on high heat. When it boils, continue to boil it for another 4 min. then lower the heat to medium, boil it for 3 min. When the rice become sodden, lower the heat to low, steam for 10 min. to be well-done (1.03 kg).
2. Preheat the frying pan and oil, stir-fry pumpkin on high heat for 30 sec. spread out and cool down (80 g).
3. Preheat the frying pan and oil, stir-fry bellflower roots on medium heat for 5 min. (120 g).
4. Preheat the frying pan and oil, stir-fry beef and bracken respectively on medium heat for 3 min. (beef 80g, bracken 164g).
5. Pour edible oil into the pan, oil fry kelps on medium heat for 10 sec. Crush it into large size.
6. Put the minced beef, green onion, garlic and half of the sesame oil in the pot, stir-fry them on medium heat for 2 min. Add red pepper paste, sugar and sesame oil, stir-fry for 5 min. Add water into it, stir-fry for another 3 min. to make fried red pepper paste (167 g).
7. Serve steamed rice with prepared stuffs and fried red pepper paste on top.

Main Dish - Ogokbap/Five Grain Rice

About this Food
Ogokbap is cooked of glutinous rice, glutinous African millet, sweet red beans and black beans together. From olden days, Koreans have regarded the first full moon day of the year as an important day. People cooked five-grain rice on that day and shared it with neighbors in hopes of peace and a good harvest.

Ingredients & Quantity
360 g (2 cups) glutinous rice
80 g (½cups) black bean
85 g (½cups) glutinous African millet
83 g (½cups) sweet red bean , 300 g (1½ cups) scalding water, 500 g (2½ cups) boiling water
85 g (½cups) glutinous millet
rice water : 100 g (½ cups) sweet red bean boiled water, 500 g (2½ cups) water, 10.5 g (¾ tbsp) salt

1. Wash the glutinous rice, soak in water for 30 min. and drain water on a strainer for 10 min. (440 g).
2. Wash the black bean, soak in water for 3 hours and drain water on a strainer for 10 min. (140 g).
3. Wash the glutinous African millet by rubbing until washing water to be clear, soak in water for 1 hour, and drain water on a strainer for 10 min. (120 g).
4. Wash the sweet red bean and remove foreign elements, drain water on a strainer for 10 min.
5. Wash the glutinous millet and drain water on a strainer for 10 min. (114 g).

1. Put sweet red bean and scalding water into the pot, heat it up for 2 min. on high heat. When it boils, discard the scalding water. Add fresh water to the sweet red bean, heat it up for 3 min. on high heat. Lower the heat to medium, boil for 20 min. taking care the bean not to be burst, drain through a strainer (131 g). Prepare rice cooking water with sweet red bean boiled water after adding water and salt.
2. Put the rice, black bean, glutinous African millet, sweat red bean and rice water into the pot. Heat it up for 2 min. on high heat. When it boils, continue to boil for another 3 min. Lower the heat to medium, add glutinous millet and boil it for 10 min. When the rice become sodden, lower the heat to low, steam for 13 min. Turn the heat off, and let it sit there for 10 min. more to be well-done.
3. Mix them with scoop thoroughly and serve in a bowl.

Main Dish - Huinbap/Cooked White Rice

About this Food
Huinbap is cooked only of non-glutinous white rice. Rice was farmed from early times in Korea. Therefore, rice dishes and rice-based foods were developed as well. Rice is the main dish on the table, and the other accompanying dishes are side dishes.

Ingredients & Quantity
450 g (2 1/2cup) non-glutinous rice
600 g (3 cups) water

1. Wash the non-glutinous rice about 3 times and remove foreign elements.
2. Soak the rice in water for 30 min (550 g), drain water on a strainer for 10 min.

1. Put the rice and water in the pot.
2. Heat it up for 4 min on high heat. When it boils, continue to boil it for another 4 min.
3. Lower the heat to medium, boil for 3 min. When the rice become sodden, lower the heat to low, then steam for 10 min.
4. Spread the rice softly with scoop and place in a bowl.

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